Board of Directors
Bob Reagan, Chairman
Bob Reagan retired from Boeing as the chief planning administrator. The wealth of experience Bob Reagan brings to ICN regarding his knowledge of planning and his ability to design computer programs is immense and greatly appreciated. Bob currently lives in Enumclaw, Washington, with his wife Barbara, and is extremely active in the community and with his Church Mt. Rainier Christian Center under Pastor Greg Daulton.
Camille Daylong, Secretary
Currently an Executive Secretary with Liberty Mutual in Seattle, WA, Camille Daylong is detailed orientated with an abundance of honesty and sincerity. Camille's professional experience with Liberty Mutual as well as numerous Law Firms in Seattle has provided her the skill set and knowledge base to be the ICN Board Secretary. International Children’s Network is proud to be working with Camille Daylong; her input is always greatly appreciated.
Don Windham, Founder President
Don Windham graduated from the University of California Irvine in 1984 before attending Law School at the now Trinity Law in Southern California. After graduation, Don worked at Kraft Foods for 18 years in Sales and Marketing, and also a partner with W2 Properties Real Estate Investing. Don and his wife Jennie formed a youth group in the mid 1990’s at their church (which they still attend), Real Life Church in Covington, WA, under Pastor Steve Murray. It was here that their small youth group evolved and merged into International Children’s Network (ICN) and its Matsiko World Orphan Choir. As ICN grew, Don and his wife Jennie realized they had to choose between committing to the work of ICN, or to remain in business full time. The choice was easy. Both Don and Jennie gladly choose the work of ICN. The countless orphaned and at-risk children around the world are forever grateful!
Kerry McFadden, Treasurer
Kerry McFadden brings a plethora of business management skills and insight to International Children’s Network. With over 25 years of Business Management experience, including marketing and sales with Borden Foods and other major top line food companies, Kerry's insight and knowledge is invaluable to our organization. Kerry currently lives in Denver, CO.
Mark Perry
Mark Perry and his wife Kate directed the 3rd Matsiko World Orphan Choir Tour. It was the first time Matsiko brought children together from different nations. The challenges were tremendous, but both Mark and Kate proved to be amazing leaders, overcoming all obstacles - and the merging orphan and at-risk children together from different countries around the world began. Mark also has led many ICN service trips to partnering nations and has shown himself to be a tremendous value and friend of ICN. Mark works as a financial advisor and also volunteers with the music and youth ministry at his church in Central City, NE. Mark and his wife Kate are by far the most loved and personal people within ICN.
Kurt Satherlie