Learning Centers
Learning Centers provide a safe place for students to go after school for academic support, choir practice, and community.

Meshach is a very smart young man, excelling in chemistry, biology and math. But the science teacher at the public school he attended was only there one hour a day to give classes, and then had to move on to teach at other schools in the area. Often, because teachers make such poor wages, they will teach at five or even six schools, traveling around to visit their classes throughout the week, and attending to more than 500 children. But these teachers are not available to help kids learn on an individual basis, so Meshach got very little personalized attention and sometimes needed extra support that was unavailable from the public school.
That’s where Matsiko’s Learning Center made a difference. Meshach was able to come to the learning center after school to get individualized help with reading, writing, math, science, computers and other subjects. Our full time learning center teachers provided classes and tutoring.
As a result, Meshach finished high school and graduated at the top of his class. He is now expected to enter Liberia’s medical school program that allows only 50 students to attend. Meanwhile, he is giving back by volunteering as a teacher for the students in Matsiko’s after school program at the Learning Center.
Meshach teaches all subjects, but also helps with the children wanting to study medicine by teaching them the more difficult subjects like chemistry, and the higher areas of math which most teachers in Liberia cannot teach. Now Meshach is ready to excel in medical school and help children like himself as he becomes an excellent and rare doctor in Liberia, as there are only about 150 certified physicians in Liberia. Thanks to Meshach’s sponsor and the unique sponsorship program of Matsiko Children International, Meshach will be championing the cause for more qualified doctors in Liberia!