Lois • Liberia
It’s rare for a girl to be accepted to the school of engineering at the University of Liberia. But because of the empowering sponsorship program of Matsiko, Lois will become one of the first female civil engineers in this country.
After growing up with a mother who can barely feed their family – that’s real hope!
If it were not for Matsiko’s sponsorship program, Lois would not have been able to afford school. She got into Matisko’s sponsorship program when she was very young, and right from the start, Lois wanted to make her sponsor proud.
Today, Lois has excelled at every phase of her schooling and now has been accepted to Liberia University’s civil engineer program.
You don’t have to be Lois’ sponsor to know that you are a part of this amazing success story. Every sponsored child is a success story because the education you provide is breaking the cycle of poverty and helping students achieve their greatest potential.