Prajina • Nepal
When Prajina was a young girl, Matsiko found her working on the streets selling goods to support her family. Work is all Prajina and her family have ever known! For them, without the ability to read or write, this is the demanding life they’ve had to endure to feed their family. Thankfully, Matsiko became aware of Prajina and worked to find her a sponsor.
That grateful day Prajina found out she had a sponsor to go to school, she and her family celebrated like they won the lottery! To them, it is unbelievable that Prajina can attend school and become whatever she wants, just like the most privileged children in her country!
Ever so grateful for her past five years of schooling, Prajina has worked hard and has skipped two grade levels! She is advanced in math and science and has already expressed interest in becoming a chemical scientist. With top honors in her entire class and school, there is no stopping Prajina to reach her dreams. As long as Prajina’s sponsor is able to provide the continued love, encouragement, and support sponsorship provides, Prajina has something her family’s history has never had: a hopeful future!