Susmita • Nepal


Susmita and her family struggle with basic human needs just like her family before her. Doing whatever they can  to provide the most important and basic needs for the family. They work very hard every day without taking a single day off. They manage to provide a meal each day to try to keep their strength up. To help, Susmita worked with her family each day. She constantly struggled to work for very little and that is all life was to her. 


One day, the director of Matsiko met her and offered her a chance to find a sponsor. Getting to know Susmita, the Matsiko Director saw that she was a very sweet and talented child. Susmita was offered to be a part of Nepal’s National Matsiko Children’s Choir and she excitedly accepted. Later, Susmita traveled to the USA to be a part of Matsiko’s World Choir. While in the USA, Sumita was shown that if you work hard and have a plan, you can achieve much more. 


While in the USA, Susmita met her sponsor. She then promised herself that she would follow her sponsor’s example and help others in need. After returning, Susmita did very well in High School and passed her nation’s university entrance exams. Now Susmita will study Business Management and apply those skills to managing hotels in her area. Amazingly she already has businesses that have expressed their interest in hiring her. Susmita could not be more grateful and thankful to her loving and encouraging sponsor. She has a role model that changed her life and showed her how to help others, within her community, living in the same conditions she once lived.